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The Ghettos of Manhood

I’m 35. Thirty. Five. I’m at the age where I honestly thought things would be different. Sometimes I still sit and reflect on the course of my life over the past three decades. Years ago I thought I’d be a social worker, living in my second home, with a wife, and a kid or two.…

Strange Fruit

Black bodies hanging from trees Black bodies burned alive Black bodies swallowed up in oceans Black bodies riddled with bullets Black blood pouring into the soil of the nation… Tonight my heart breaks. My heart breaks again. How many names am I forced to recite? How many days can I hear The Pledge of Allegiance…

Rubber Bands

On my desk sits a random rubber band. Tan in color. Nothing spectacular about it. Yet, when I see it–every single time I see it, it ministers to me. At the beginning of this year I had the privilege of hearing a college friend speak at an event. I don’t remember every single word. I…